Grass Fed Beef Cooking Tips


Nutritious, delicious grass fed beef is significantly more lean than grain fed beef. This makes it a healthy choice, but if you are an inexperienced grass fed chef you will definitely want to approach it with a new mindset! With less fat the meat cooks more quickly (30% faster!) so in order to preserve that unique flavor, character and richness you have to be careful not to let it dry out due to overcooking.


Rare to medium-rare temperatures are ideal. One of the reasons you have chosen grass fed is because of its wonderful texture and flavor, so perhaps not masking it with too much seasoning or sauces is prudent. At the same time, a light marinade can help maintain moisture, especially on the leaner cuts like New York or Sirloin steaks.


A few veteran tips to maximize the grass fed dining experience:

  • Use a thermometer – the difference between “just right” and “too tough” can be a matter of less than a minute! When its 10 degrees LOWER than your desired temperature, pull it, wrap it and let it rest 8-9 minutes. The juices will re-distribute through the meat and help preserve the tenderness and flavor while it continues to cook.

  • For pan frying or grilling, lightly coat the meat in extra virgin olive oil. Sear it at a high heat, then reduce to medium heat and and perhaps add a butter and garlic basting – be quick about it - don't overcook!

  • Put that fork away – always use tongs so you don't have to poke the meat (which creates avenues for moisture to escape).

  • A slow cooker is often a good choice for those typically tougher cuts. Brown the meat first to capture the rich flavor.  

  • Never fear the sear. When roasting, sear it first to capture the moisture then place in your pre-heated oven and cook at about 50 degrees less than the recipe indicates.